Introducing the Domestic Science Journal
Hello, we’re back!

Now some of you may be thinking, ‘I’m sure they used to have a blog’ and you would be right, but with infrequent postings and the business growing in new directions, it made sense to be out with the old and start afresh with the new.
So what can you look forward to in our upcoming journal posts?
The website and marketing team have been rustling up some ideas and tentatively planning. As a little taster you can expect our staff's favourite picks, chats with the owner of Domestic Science, Libs, and get a further exploration into her inspiration behind Domestic Science. Learn about the brands that we have in our stores, and even have a little nose around our store’s local areas!
We want to create something lovely for you, so you can sit down with a cup of tea and enjoy, every month. Sound good? If you’re nodding your head yes, then stay tuned. Make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter so you can be the first to hear about when our next journal post is live, as a little welcome extra, you'll receive 10% off your first order when signing up.
See you all soon with some more articles.
Love, the Domestic Science team.

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